We are a group of studio jewellers living in Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, coming together as the Wessex Group of the ACJ (Association for Contemporary Jewellery) to promote our three dimensional art. Please take a look at our members page to see the type of jewellery we create.
Studio jewellers are individuals who have a workshop where they design, plan and hand make their jewellery. Some have a combined studio open to the public and others have their workshop in their own home and rely on Galleries and Exhibitions to sell their work. All are dedicated and enthusiastic about the work they have chosen and most are very happy to take commissions to design and make a piece to the customer’s specification.
For further information about hallmarks and their meaning please visit the
Goldsmiths Halls dealer’s notice.
If you would like to receive details of our upcoming exhibitions, please subscribe to our mailing list on our contact page, we only send out a maximum of 6 emails a year.
Our last venture was our annual Winter Jewels at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens from 27th Nov 2024 until 5th Jan 2025, it was a great success.
We are now planning a Summer Jewels exhibition at The Portsmouth Museum 14th -
More info later
Association for Contemporary Jewellery Wessex Group